Structure & Management Wee Waa Community Care Service Inc. (trading as Namoi Care Connect) is an incorporated association, under the Associations Incorporation Act (NSW) 2009 and is registered with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC). We recognise the importance of clearly and effectively separating corporate leadership and oversight from operational management. This good governance principle is embodied in the organisations’ policy and procedures, with systems in place to monitor accountability and performance against the Operational Plan. Leadership and oversight of the organisation is the responsibility of the Board of Management; operational management is the responsibility of the Executive Officer. The Executive Officer implements the directions and decisions of the Board of Management and provides the Board with the information necessary to effectively monitor the operations of the service. Meetings of the Board of Management are held a minimum of six times during the year, with protocols in place to address urgent matters with the Board’s Executive. |