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Useful Links

My Aged Care is your starting point for accessing Australian Government-funded aged care services

Aged Care Quality & Safety Commission assesses and monitors quality of care and services against the Aged Care Quality Standards 

Continence Foundation of Australia promotes bladder bowel and pelvic floor help for all Australian

Dementia Australia (New South Wales) provides education, information and support for Australians living with dementia and the people who care for them

Department of Health and Aged Care CHSP Information page provides information and links on the CHSP for clients and funded organisations

Friendline Seniors Connected Phone Support Service is operated by Friends for Good and offers connection and a friendly chat for Seniors

Narrabri Shire Council website

Narrabri Shire Community Directory provides information and contact details for a wide range of community service organisations and groups

NDIS is the website of the National Disability Insurance Agency and oversees the implementation of the National Disability Insurance Scheme

NDIS - Am I eligible? eligibility checker for the National Disability Insurance Scheme

NDIS Quality & Safeguards Commission works with participants and providers to improve the quality and safety of NDIS services and supports

NSW Aging & Disability Commission promotes the the rights of older people and adults with disability to live free from abuse in their family, home and community

NSW Seniors Card Program connects NSW Seniors with businesses who value their patronage and offer discounts and benefits

NSW Trainlink provides information on the NSW Government regional train and coach services 

Older Person's Advocacy Network (OPAN) offers free information and support for people using Australian Government funded aged care 

Seniors Rights Service is NSW's OPAN partner and provides free aged care advocacy and support to Seniors across NSW

The National Public Toilet Map is funded by the Department of Health & Aged Care as a part of the National Continence Program 

Transport for NSW Community Transport Operators page provides information about the community transport program and a contact list for all providers 

Wee Waa Community Care Service Inc., trading as Namoi Care Connect, is a registered charity and is endorsed by the ATO as a deductible gift recipient.  Donations of $2 or more are tax deductible for the donor.

ABN 50 057 876 083

48 Cowper Street Wee Waa NSW 2388
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