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We provide support for people in the Narrabri LGA in northwest New South Wales.  Service availability

across the LGA varies, depending on eligibility.  Please scroll down for more information and links or speak to us

today about your support needs. 

Home Support Services

The Commonwealth Home Support Program provides entry level support for older people, who need assistance to stay at home.  We work with older people to maintain independence and wellbeing.  Find out more about available supports, eligibility and access on our Home Support Services Page.


Transport provides a vital link for people in our community to access social and recreational activities and medical care, locally and across the region.  We are funded to provide transport support through several government programs and can generally provide assistance to anyone who is transport disadvantaged.  Find out more on our Transport page.

Disability Support

We can provide a range of supports for National Disability Insurance Scheme participants, who manage their own Plan or have Plan Management. Supports available include community access, delivered meals and transport. Speak to us today about your support needs. 

Wee Waa Community Care Service Inc., trading as Namoi Care Connect, is a registered charity and is endorsed by the ATO as a deductible gift recipient.  Donations of $2 or more are tax deductible for the donor.

ABN 50 057 876 083

48 Cowper Street Wee Waa NSW 2388
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